Stellar™ DC Acrylic Pattern Resin

SKU: 27.020

Stellar™ DC Acrylic Pattern Resin

  • Instant Auto-Mix.
  • Dual Cure: 5 - 8 sec. Tack cure and build
    Light cure 20 sec; Self-cure 120 sec.
  • Resin chemically bonds to PMMA Dentures
  • No Bonding Agent Needed
  • No Shrinkage or Polymerization
  • Grinds Easily
  • Extreme Durability

STELLAR™ DC Acrylic - Dual cure PMMA Resin
The Ultimate Dual Cure Pick-Up Resin: Save $1k's

STELLAR DC Acrylic is a revolutionary, dual cure PMMA Pick-up and Conversion acrylic with amazing cure speed and unsurpassed durability, over any other pick-up resin used for All-on-X immediate load pick-ups and conversions. It can speed up the pick-up and conversion time by 30 plus minutes. STELLAR won’t fracture throughout the healing phase, when used as directed.

STELLAR DC Acrylic resin is also great for creating implant verification jigs; welding index jig components (iJig); transfer and insertion guides for implants; open tray or closed tray pick-up impression copings; abutment seating jigs, and overdenture attachment pick-ups.

It can be tack cured in 5-8 seconds, fully light cured in 20 seconds, and self cure in 120 seconds. It provides the fastest production time of any acrylic, has NO shrinkage, has NO polymerization heat, NO tension after cure, and NO need for bonding agent..

One application pays for itself and then some...